Completed Project

Water Street Renovation – Phase Two

The CLCDC was successful in preparing and receiving a PennDOT grant award for Conneaut Lake Borough for $475,000.00 for continued improvements along Water Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets. 

This phase II project included new sidewalks, driveway aprons, stormwater drainage, replacement curbing, pedestrian crosswalks, decorative street lighting, removal of overhead wiring and wooden utility poles, and new Water Street pavement markings.  All planning and coordination with PennDOT, the selected building contractor, the quality inspection firm, the Borough, and all impacted businesses within the construction zone on Water Street were handled by the CLCDC.  The actual construction was delayed due to a COVID-19 construction moratorium by PennDOT.  Construction began in March 2021 and was completed in July 2021.  The final work resulted in the extension of the downtown business district renovations  beyond the phase I project which ended at 2nd Street, and continued on to 3rd Street.

As a result of this project, the CLCDC reached a new agreement with Conneaut Lake Borough that acknowledged that the Borough would no longer rely on the CLCDC for purely town infrastructure maintenance.