County to seek $2M for Conneaut Lake revitalization

The Meadville Tribune
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Crawford County Planning Commission announced plans Tuesday to apply for more than $2 million in grant funding on behalf of Conneaut Lake Borough for its downtown revitalization project, still progressing since its inception about three years ago.

The grant request is broken down into the following:  one multimodal grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for $869,816 and one multimodal from the state Department of Community and Economic Development for $1,435,172, said Amy Schmidt, grant administrator, at the Crawford County commissioners’ work session Tuesday morning.

Multimodal funding is provided to encourage economic development and ensure safe and reliable systems of transportation are available to residents of the commonwealth, according to the DCED.

Tuesday’s announcement shows continued backing from the county in the effort by Conneaut Lake Borough Council and Conneaut Lake Community Development Committee to revitalize the borough’s downtown business district.

If obtained, the grant would be used along areas such as Fireman’s Beach and Water Street on initiatives that include installing new curbing, sidewalks and crosswalk installations, said Bill Eldridge, council member and CLCDC member.

Conneaut Lake has already received more than $900,000 in grants for its community revitalization project, according to earlier reports. 

Project information is available online at